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5 best technical screening tools for Hiring

by Ed Daugherty

October 4, 2019


The first step to any good hiring process is identifying the right candidates and this can only happen with the help of With so many applicants, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s where technical screening comes in.

Technical screening is the process of using specific questions or tasks to assess a candidate’s technical skills and knowledge. It’s an efficient way to narrow down your pool of applicants so you can focus on the most qualified candidates.

There are a variety of different tools you can use for technical screening. In this blog post, we’ll share five of the best options.

1: Coding Assessments

One of the most popular options for technical screening is coding assessments. These assessments can be used to test a candidate’s knowledge of specific programming languages or their ability to code under pressure.

There are a number of different online platforms that offer coding assessments, such as CodeSignal and HackerRank. You can also create your own custom assessment using a tool like TestDome.

Coding assessments are a great way to get an overview of a candidate’s technical skills. However, it’s important to keep in mind that they don’t always accurately reflect real-world work conditions. For example, candidates may have access to resources or reference materials during the assessment that they wouldn’t have during actual work.

2: Technical Interviews

Another popular option for technical screening is the technical interview. This is a more traditional approach where you ask candidates questions about their technical skills and experience.

The key to a successful technical interview is to ask specific, relevant questions. For example, if you’re looking for a candidate with experience in Java programming, you might ask them about specific features of the language or how they would solve a common coding problem.

Technical interviews can be conducted in person or over video call. They’re a great way to get to know candidates on a more personal level and see how they think through problems.

3: Take-Home Projects

Take-home projects are another great option for technical screening. With this approach, you give candidates a real-world problem to solve and assess their work.

This is a more realistic way to evaluate a candidate’s skills than coding assessments or technical interviews. It also allows candidates to show off their creativity and problem-solving abilities.

However, take-home projects can be time-consuming for both candidates and employers. And they may not be feasible if you’re looking to fill a position quickly.

4: Online Portfolios

If you’re looking for a way to screen candidates without taking up too much of your time, online portfolios are a great option. With this approach, you simply ask candidates to send you links to their online portfolios or GitHub repositories.

This is an efficient way to screen candidates and get an overview of their skills. However, it’s important to remember that not all candidates will have an online portfolio. And even those who do may not have everything listed that you’re looking for.

5: Reference Checks

Finally, don’t forget about the old-fashioned reference check. This is a great way to get insights from people who have actually worked with the candidate.

Reference checks can be conducted over the phone or in person. They’re a great way to get an idea of a candidate’s work ethic and how they interact with others.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that reference checks can be biased. Candidates may only provide you with contact information for references who will say positive things about them. So make sure to ask specific, probing questions.

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